This coding is an add-on which builds an image 'ctr2.jpg' for the counter of visits (CTR) if your are using in relation,
the statistic prog phpMyVisites
You have to implement a sub-directory /images, where would be stored the digit images of 0 to 9 naming them 1.jpg 2.jpg up to 9.jpg.
The previous number of visits is saved in a text file named : compteur.txt

here is the code to implement in a file named ctr.php for example :
$host="localhost"; //indicate here the host for example localhost or the IP of the server
$user="root"; //indicate here the MySQL user's name for example root, though to avoid: rather create a user for php
$base="mybase"; //indicate here the name of the Data Base
$passe="password";  //indicate here the password 
if (!($dblink=mySql_connect($host,$user,$passe)))
 //echo "<h2>the Connection failed !</h2>\n";
// die ("<br><h2>Shut Down!</h2>\n");
 $namtbl="phpmv_visit"; // name of the table to scan
 $namfield="idvisit"; // name of the field in that table
 $select_base=mySql_selectdb($base,$dblink);  //select Data Base
 $query="SELECT * FROM ".$namtbl; //Save in $query the request SQL
 $dbresult=mysql_query($query,$dblink); //Execute the request
 if (!(mysql_query($query,$dblink)))
 //echo "<b>Sorry, the table ".$namtbl." is missing, </b>\n";
// find out the last record (idvisit)
$query="SELECT MAX(idvisit) FROM ".$namtbl; //Save the request of max(idvisit)
$result=mysql_query($query,$dblink); //Execute the request
if (!$result) {
//  echo 'enable to execute the request : ' . mysql_error();
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
//echo $row[0]; // idvisit is the first field in that table
$visit = $row[0];
//echo "visit: ".$visit."</br>";
//Update Visits and Create an Image for the counter
$Ndig=6; // number of digits to display
$bias=1234;  // original bias if the CTR does not start from zero
  $fp=fopen('compteur.txt','r'); //Open file compteur.txt for reading
  $oldvisit=fgets($fp,20); // take 20 first bytes
  fclose($fp); // close file
$dvisit = $visit - $oldvisit;
//echo "  DVisites : ".$dvisit."</br>";  
if ( $dvisit > 0) // test if one or more  visits
  $fp=fopen('compteur.txt','w');  // Open file for writing
  fputs($fp,$visit); // save new value
  fclose($fp);  // close the file
$myvisit = $bias + $visit;
$text = strval($myvisit);
//echo "  text : ".$text."</br>";
  // the text to draw
  $text=str_pad($text, $Ndig, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
  // Create the image
  $Dim = imagecreate(10*$Ndig, 12); // an image of (10xNdig x 12) pixels
	$fic="images/".$digit.".jpg"; // build the image of the CTR
    $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($fic);
    imagecopy($Dim, $image, $nx*10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 12);
$fh = fopen('ctr2.jpg','w'); // Open file for writing
 imagejpeg($Dim,'ctr2.jpg');//save CTR image into file 'ctr2.jpg'
 imagedestroy($Dim); // destroy the memory image of the CTR

in order to get the CTR, include the following lines in your web page:

<!-- Update the  visits CTR-->
include ("ctr.php");

then display the CTR with <img src="ctr2.jpg" alt="ctr">
© JPSoft - 2007